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Registration of rigorous impact evaluations within German development cooperation

Dear Madam or Sir,

Thank you for registering an evidence product.

According to the BMZ evaluation guidelines published in 2021, all rigorous impact evaluations (RIEs), systematic reviews (SRs) and evidence gap maps (EGMs) conducted within the portfolio of BMZ must be registered with the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval).

Implementing organisations and civil society organisations as well as other actors of German development cooperation (GDC) are required to register RIEs, SRs or EGMs in case they

  1. have been implemented since 01.01.2014, are currently being implemented, or have already been approved (i.e. commitment of funding is in place)
  2. and 

  3.  are/were (partly) funded by BMZ or the interventions addressed are/were (partly) funded by BMZ.

Important: Please register each evidence product individually. If you are responsible for more than one, please fill in the registration form separately for each one. If you have implemented several analyses in the same overall project, please always enter the same title for the overall project.

The purpose of the registration is to record completed and ongoing research in German development cooperation and to make it usable by publishing it in the Rigorous Evidence Database (RED). The database serves as knowledge hub and enables networking with other stakeholders in development cooperation and individuals conducting RIE.

You can find definitions and further information on RIE, SR and EGM on our RIE ressource website.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact RIE@deval.org.

RIE project, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) gGmbH – 2022